Sunday, 22 December 2013

I Am Number Four 2011 [Eng] [VITEK312] Download Torrent

I Am Number Four 2011 torrent

Year: 2011
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
Starring: Alex Pettyfer, Timothy Olyphant, Dianna Agron
Director: D.J. Caruso

Seeds: 122Peers: 79


Size: 815 mb
Files: 3

Review: I am a hundred? Oval mnohokráto movies that pretend? E capture the same spirit child of Harry Potter. But Harry Potter imitators flood seems? With e dreams? Il in recent months. Why? The success of the Twilight saga is the provoked direction Hollywood leadership, and instead seek mo? Company to save world charm boys, they are now desperately looking for new cases of illegal romances between teenagers with supernatural powers. For better? Teenagers or mountains? Teenagers, I am number four, it's nascent sub-tribe, and I've found? E is boring and lack any cit and originality.I Am Number Four has known land a fantastic film, as well as juvenile romance. And I'm not the director DJ Caruso previously made two uninspired, but a dynamic and entertaining films (Disturbia and Eagle Eye), and it gave me hope to find some pay elements I'm number four. God? El, very few things that have worked in the film (at least in my personal experience? Ence), so? I never could get interested in the characters or the forced romance and much less in a few side? them hackneyed sci-fi concepts with them? is pretending? e is decorated narrative.To start worrying ... Mogadorians? It was the best? Name that at? Lo the mind of the author Pittacus Lore (actually from Jobie Hughes and James Frey alias) for the book villains, which was based? Woman in the film? Of course, the name of itself does not arrive?? a lot of attention, but it's a good example of the level of creativity of the film. Heroes are handsome young men who look like models villains are ple? Party dress and pale, with piranha teeth, and they suffer from the syndrome talkative villain, reveal their plans , ny and talking more, no? they have to, they can easily destroy the heroes.One some of the things that I liked I Am Number Four is Teresa Palmer?-inflammatory speeches. Actually, I think? E film would be a lot of fun with her starring role asleep? E not? few tastes Alex Pettyfer and Dianna Agron. However, I can not recommend this film, so? E I found? E is boring, repetitive and boring.

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